June 6, 2013
Bernstein Liebhard LLP today announced that it is investigating whether the Board of Directors of Maxwell Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: MXWL) (“Maxwell” or the “Company”), in violation of its fiduciary duties, allowed Maxwell to be harmed by operating with deficient internal accounting controls between April 2011 and March 2013. On March 7, 2013, Maxwell announced it would be restating previously issued financial statements for 2011 and most of 2012.
If you are interested in discussing your rights as a Maxwell shareholder and/or have information relating to the matter, please contact Joseph R. Seidman, Jr. at (877) 779-1414 or seidman@bernlieb.com.
Bernstein Liebhard LLP has pursued hundreds of securities, consumer and shareholder rights cases and recovered over $3 billion for its clients. It has been named to The National Law Journal’s “Plaintiffs’ Hot List” in each of the last ten years.